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Pål Jonson to the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence

SWEDEN, June 12 - On 13–14 June, Pål Jonsson will take part in a meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels for the first time since Sweden became a full member of NATO. The agenda includes discussions about NATO’s deterrence and defence capabilities and preparations ahead of the NATO Summit in Washington DC in July.

“This is an important reference point ahead of the summit in Washington. A number of decisions will be taken to direct the Alliance’s efforts within deterrence and defence in the coming year,” says Swedish Minister for Defence Mr Jonson.

The meeting in Brussels will consist of three sessions – one session of the defence ministers, one session of the NATO-Ukraine Council with the participation of Ukraine’s Minister of Defence and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and one session of the Nuclear Planning Group (NPG). This will be Sweden’s first meeting in the NPG.  

A meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group (UDCG) will also be held in connection with the meeting of NATO Defence Ministers. The UDCG is an alliance of over 50 countries that provide military support to Ukraine. The meeting will be jointly chaired by the defence ministers of the United States and Ukraine. 

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